Little love letter on the ceiling

/September 2021

It seems to be a natural thing for him to be with her-both of them have reached the marriageable age, so they are dating each other, and their family background, looks and work are all suitable for each other. Everyone would say that this is a good marriage.

They are both people with stories-his love with his ex-girlfriend started and ended in college; She also clasped her fingers with others, but they never told each other about their former lovers. He doesn't insist on knowing her story. As long as she is happy with him now, the rest of things are unimportant.

The little love letter on the ceiling is his mother's curiosity, and she can't help but ask the introducer of the media: "Xiaoya is such a good girl, how can the previous relationship have no results?" The matchmaker's appearance of being reluctant made his mother suspicious, and his face became heavy. Only he said lightly, "Nothing, but it doesn't hurt to say it."

In the matchmaker's incessant narration, he learned that her ex-boyfriend died of cancer. In the last stage of her boyfriend's life, she took care of it day and night; After her boyfriend died, she was in agony. The matchmaker kept praising her for being strong and virtuous, and his mother nodded frequently. He secretly vowed in his heart that he would love this good woman more in the future.

One day, she called in a panic and told him at a loss: "The lamp in the living room suddenly broke." He hurried to her residence and moved the ladder to change the light bulb. After removing the lampshade, he found that there seemed to be a mass on the ceiling. He thought it was dust, so he asked her to go to the kitchen to get a rag.

Unexpectedly, that thing couldn't be wiped off, so he was helpless, so he changed the light bulb. When the living room came back to light, he heard her heartfelt cheers, which made him very happy. However, when he refitted the lampshade, he saw clearly that it was a few lines!

He rubbed his eyes, close to a look, is a strong pen:

"Hey, brother luckier than me: I love Xiaoya as much as you do. I once wanted to spend my whole life with her, but this may be the last time I will change her light bulb. When you see these words, it is also the time when I bless you and Xiaoya. Please cherish her, she is worth cherishing. Please tell Xiaoya-I love her. "

He froze in place, his eyes moist.

She looked up and called to him, "Why are you so foolish? Come down quickly! "

He smiled warmly at her and whispered, "Dear, I will read you a little love letter written on the ceiling ..."

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