Love you again-4

It's just that when I braided my hair every day, I would talk sadly about her hair. Her hands, very soft, fell on the hair, itchy and crisp. Several times I had the illusion that I almost lost my tongue and shouted "Mom".
/November 2021

Love you again-3

She also enrolled me in the nearest primary school, picked me up like a little mother every day, and always bought me some snacks on the way.
/November 2021

Love you again-2

She told me in a gentle voice that from now on, you must hold your head high, no matter how hard the day is, don't bow your head!
/November 2021

Love you again-1

At the age of six, I stood under the old locust tree at the door, holding the steamed buns in my small hands and eating sweetly.
/November 2021

I went to prison for you twice in seven years-3

Three years later, the boy came out of prison again. it turned out that the boy took advantage of his position to misappropriate 300000 yuan to save the girl, but he never said where the 300000 was going, and he was sentenced to another three years.
/November 2021

I went to prison for you twice in seven years-2

In fact, the boy didn't know that he was robbed of him because the girl's friend was in urgent need of money. She didn't love the boy at all.
/November 2021

I went to prison for you twice in seven years-1

Every time the boy saw this, he was very sad, he decided to change the girl, he expressed his love to the girl, the boy is more handsome, but the family economy is very general, not very rich, at first the girl looked down on him, but the boy did not give up.
/November 2021

Pick up the petals on the ground-2

With a common topic, the cold atmosphere gradually became harmonious, and the two chatted for a long time, and Komatsu sent her home.
/November 2021

Pick up the petals on the ground-1

Komatsu is an ambitious man. At the age of 20, he is motivated to work out a career with his own hands and get married and have children.
/November 2021

Confession is coming, youth is gone-2

This afternoon the girl went to work, as usual, suddenly she received a phone call from the boy, asked her specific location, he came back!
/November 2021